Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween and Happy Reformation Day

Woo Hoo! I think this time of the year is lots of fun. I love to see the little kids dressed up in their costumes. In the past, we have enjoyed giving candy to the neighborhood kids. This year, Halloween falls on Wednesday, and we will be at church.
Ben has prepared a sermon in honor of Reformation Day, which is also celebrated on October 31st. It all started when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the Wittenburg Church door. The theses were published in October 1517, beginning the Church Reformation. The Reformation is the origin of today's Protestant Churches. I think it would be fun to have a combo Halloween and Reformation Day party where everyone dressed as a Reformer.
<----- Me as John Calvin!
I know that not everyone is pro-Halloween and I totally respect that, but I have really fond memories of Halloween. My Mom worked a lot of evenings, so when she got off for Halloween, it was really special. She would dress my little sister and I up in some creative costume and we would trick-or-treat. Then, my sister and I would stay up late looking through our stash. Those memories of my sister are some of my favorite and they always make me laugh. She was a candy-fiend!
So.......I hope everyone has a Happy Halloween. If you're not a Halloween person, then maybe you can just go out and eat dinner with your family to avoid the trick-or-treaters. :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Road Crew

The city has been re-paving our road for two months! I do not understand the road crews. Granted, the street needed some maintenance - it was beginning to look more like a skateboarding ramp than a residential street, but the methods of this repair are puzzling. They have literally paved our road and then dug it up twice. I am not exaggerating. Maybe there is some benefit to this, but I cannot see it.
Each morning, I am awakened to the sound of the trucks backing up *beep*beep*beep* Since I work at home, the constant beeping and loud dump trucks are driving me nuts.
And just when they dig a nice big whole, they stick a barrel on it and disappear for five days. They block up the driveway and if you leave the house, you may not be able to get back onto your street when you return. Who knew it takes 5 dumptrucks and a steamroller to re-pave 30 yards?
I try to smile at the workermen when I see them. I know that they are just doing their jobs, but after two months my smile is strained. And all of our shoes have black gunk on the bottom of them from the tar debris that is everywhere!
I know there is nothing that can be done about this, but I just needed to vent. I won't complain again for at least a week.

Monday, October 29, 2007


I have pink eye. I think it is the allergic kind. I found this information online:

Pinkeye also can be caused by allergies. These cases tend to happen more frequently among those who also have other allergic conditions, such as hay fever. Some triggers of allergic conjunctivitis include grass, ragweed pollen, animal dander, and dust mites.
Sometimes a substance in the environment can irritate the eyes and cause pinkeye; for example, chemicals (such as chlorine and soaps) and air pollutants (such as smoke and fumes).

I don't care for it. My eye is all red and yucky and I can't wear mascara. This is sort of what my eye looks like, except my eyes are brown:


UPDATE: My eye is tons better today. (Wednesday) This time has been much better than the last time I had pink eye. It took more than a week to heal. I have been getting a lot of fresh air and I really think that helps!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Stranger Than Fiction

If you know me, then I have probably mentioned to you that I LOVE the movie "Stranger Than Fiction" starring Will Ferrell, Dustin Hoffman, and Emma Thompson. The characters are lovable and bizarre, the filming is poignant, and the philosphy is not sappy, but moving. I love that they never explain why Maggie Gyllenhaal's character knows the words to that obsure Monkees song. I watched the movie again last weekend, and I love it more. I have discovered that people seem to either love or hate this movie. I love it. Ben loves it. My Mom hates it.
The pic to the right is a still following this conversation:
Dr. Hilbert: Harold, you don't control your own destiny
Harold Answers: I know........
Harold is beginning to realize, that his death is inevitable. This conversation follows:
Dr. Jules Hilbert : Hell Harold, you could just eat nothing but pancakes if you wanted.
Harold Crick: What is wrong with you? Hey, I don’t want to eat nothing but pancakes, I want to live! I mean, who in their right mind, in a choice between pancakes and living, chooses pancakes?
Dr. Jules Hilbert: Harold, if you pause to think, you’d realize that, that answer is inextricably contingent upon the type of life being led and, of course, the quality of the pancakes.
If you haven't seen the movie, or if you were one of those who hated it, please, please give it another try! I personally struggle with getting bogged down in routine and it was helpful this past weekend to watch this movie while remembering that there is nothing too small to be thankful for. I think the final narration puts it nicely:
"As Harold took a bite of Bavarian sugar cookie, he finally felt as if everything was going to be ok. Sometimes, when we lose ourselves in fear and despair, in routine and constancy, in hopelessness and tragedy, we can thank God for Bavarian sugar cookies. And, fortunately, when there aren’t any cookies, we can still find reassurance in a familiar hand on our skin, or a kind and loving gesture, or subtle encouragement, or a loving embrace, or an offer of comfort, not to mention hospital gurneys and nose plugs, an uneaten Danish, soft-spoken secrets, and Fender Stratocasters, and maybe the occasional piece of fiction. And we must remember that all these things, the nuances, the anomalies, the subtleties, which we assume only accessorize our days, are effective for a much larger and nobler cause. They are here to save our lives. I know the idea seems strange, but I also know that it just so happens to be true. And, so it was, a wristwatch saved Harold Crick."

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Since you asked....

We are all smiles today! Ben and I are so excited about his future Ph.D work at Southern Seminary. We have been reading up on Louisville and we can't wait to get started in January. I am so proud of Ben for all of his hard work during the past year.

We were able to pick up my car yesterday after being in the shop for a week. That uninsured motorist cost us a $200 deductible, but I guess it could have been worse! Ben taught Hebrew and preached on Exodus 25:1-9 last night and both went really well. We are both enjoying the cold weather, although it probably won't last. It was only 45 degrees this morning and it is fun to wear winter clothes again. Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Neither Ben nor I have any friends or family in California, but I am just broken-hearted for all of the people who have lost their homes and had their lives put on hold in order to flee from the terrible fires. Among those evacuating are elderly, ill, and handicapped persons, mothers with babies and young children, and so many other special situations.
I remember how strange it was living here during the days that followed Hurricane Katrina. A natural disaster can make us feel so helpless, even though we know that God moves all things, whether wind or water, for His glory. Please pray for the safety of the firefighters, residents of California, evacuees, and the rebuilding efforts that will follow this disaster.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Video of Ben's Ordination

Thanks to Ben's Uncle Butch and Aunt Judy for sending this video and the pictures of Ben's ordination. We are so happy that they got some pictures because our camera would not work!

This clip features Butch and Pappy praying for Ben. All of the ordained men in the church participated in the charge by laying hands on Ben at the end of the service.

Pics of Ben's Ordination

Ben and P.J.

Ben's parents, Ryan and Mary, playing the "Ordination Medley."

Sanctuary at FBC Clinton

Ben and his Meemaw

Friday, October 19, 2007


It is hard to believe another week has come and gone! This weekend, we are planning to rest, go to church, and be lazy. We might take in the new George Clooney movie, Michael Clayton. It has gotten great reviews. Has anyone seen it?

In my blog reading, I found this great video. If you are ever having a fat day, it is sure to cheer you up.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Ben has been accepted into the doctoral program at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary! The application process has been long (we started in April!) and the exam process (long story) was very stressful for Ben, so we are very excited to have this outcome. Ben has felt that he is called to preach and teach and this degree will help him to do both. Please pray for us as we seek God's will for our future and for our precious friends at New Home Baptist Church.
This opportunity could mean a move to Louisville, KY in January. This is an exciting prospect for us, and it could mean some Kentucky Wildcats basketball games in the near future. They have always been a favorite of mine! In other news, we are hoping to have our car repaired after having a minor collision just a few weeks ago. The insurance reps say that as soon as they can confirm that the other motorist was uninsured, then we can pay our deductible and have the rest of the repairs covered.
Ben is working on sermons and digging in to complete his directed study on John Bunyan. He thinks that he may have a draft of the paper by the end of the month. If you are a Bunyan fan, and interested in his influences and pastoral theology, you may enjoy reading it when he is done.
Every blog that I have looked at lately has been covered with pictures of babies. So, I am posting some pictures of the youngest members of the Rogers/Joiner families. Below are our cousins Dylan & Colin and Madelyn & Keegan. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Believers in Business

Oral Robert University has recently been in the news because a lawsuit filed against the university. The suit involves allegations against Oral Roberts, his son, Richard Roberts, and their families. The accusations include nepotism, illegal involvement in a local political campaign and lavish spending. If you are not familiar with these allegations, this link outlines the case.

Ben and I watched Richard Roberts and his wife, Lyndsey, on Larry King Live last week. Although my own theology and worship style differs greatly from most students and professors at ORU, I found myself rooting for Mr. & Mrs. Roberts. I really hoped that they could easily explain the situation. I know that Christian leaders are often a target, and I was hoping that this was the case. Unfortunately, I was disappointed with the interview.

Today, I don't want to speculate on the validity of the Oral Roberts case. I expect that the truth will find its way to the surface. Another aspect of this sitution has attracted my attention. Many Christians are outraged about the allegations and are vocalizing their objections on the radio, television, and even in our local churches. While most of these concerns are valid, I hope that we are holding ourselves to the same standards that we expect of the Roberts Family. I have worked in several small businesses which are owned by Christian men and women. Unfortunately, in every single case, I saw disgustingly immoral business practices and behavior that no one would bring to church on Sunday. Even when working in a Christian school, I was shocked to find that you are expected to leave your convictions at the door. The pressure to get ahead, be the best, and make the most money has gotten into every industry.

Christians, each of us is called to work as if we work for the Lord. Whether we are poets or preachers, believers should be held to the same standards every day of the week. Ben and I both have friends who are planning to go into business for themselves. Our prayer and encouragement for those of you who aspire to this is that you will remember that you carry the name of Christ into every workday, meeting, business lunch, contract negotiation, etc. Let his presence and the guidance of Scripture direct your practices. Expect from yourselves the same integrity that you expect from your pastors, deacons, and Sunday school teachers.
This line of thinking will pervade every aspect of our work: relationships, how we spend our time on the clock, our attitude at work, and our expectations. We can trust Christ to provide the level of success and the amount of income we have. After all, our working relationships, just like every aspect of our lives, are for His glory and our good.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Ben can officially officiate!

Ben was ordained last night at FBC Clinton and it was a moving ceremony. Ben's parents played a wonderful medley of hymns, Pappy offered a special prayer for Ben, and the service concluded with all of the ordained men laying hands on Ben. It was especially nice to have Pappy and Butch as a part of this.
We want to thank those of you who traveled to attend the ordination. It was great to have Grandmother and Pappy, Butch and Judy, Meemaw, Mike and Clarissa Davis, Jeff, Carley, and Mr. Parrot, Rebekah Olander, Viola and Naomi, Ben's former Sunday School students, and our friends from New Home Baptist Church as guests. I hope that everyone enjoyed the service.
After the ordination, Ben's parents hosted a dinner at their home for family. It was really a wonderful time of fellowship and we are so thankful to them for opening their home and hosting this meal to celebrate the occasion.
Because our digital camera went *kaput* last night, I only have one picture, but Butch took several and has agreed to email them to us. So, I will post those when I get them.
The only dark spot was when Putty relieved himself in Meemaw's suitcase. I guess it was retaliation for being locked out of the festivites.

Friday, October 12, 2007

The Best Cat Ever

In case you didn't know, Ben's family has the best cat ever. Puddy is awesome because he is demanding without becoming exhausting. Ben loves that he makes a lot of messes, breaks stuff, and hurls on the rug (never on the tile.)
The other day, we were watching a movie with Ben's parents, and we decided to bake a cake. I took it out to cool on the counter, and by the end of the movie, Puddy had eaten almost half the cake. You may not believe me, but he knew what he had done and he was laughing at us. He probably hurled that cake up the next day. He loves people food, but doesn't hold it down well. This has been a tribute to Puddy. He is getting older and there will never be another cat like him.

Finally Friday!

It is Friday! Normally, I would say "WOOHOO," but today all I can muster is "woohoo." I woke up with a terrible cold and body aches after sneezing all night long.
Me on a different sick day: On the bright side, I am going to get to watch a sick movie. Everyone has a sick movie, right? Something you would only watch if you are sick. Today, mine is going to be "Twins" with Arnold and Danny DeVito. This movie represents the kind of humor you can only appreciate when your head is stopped up and you have taken a few benadryl.
I know there is plenty of fun to be had this weekend, but I guess I will miss it all. This is the last weekend of the fair, and I will gladly boycott that this year. Also, I hear there are some fun haunted houses taking place. My friend, Angie recommends this one: It is located in Lumberton, MS. I think it is a little bit intense. Not for the kids.
This Sunday is Ben's ordination. The event takes place at 6:00 at FBC Clinton. We will have a small dinner at the Rogers' home at 5:00 and dessert at their home after the ceremony.
Sorry for the superficial content of the blogs lately. I will tackle some deeper issues when I am feeling better.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Today is a busy day. Ben is preaching on the tenth commandment tonight, and his car is fixed so we have to pick it up ( Yay!) before we leave for Mendenhall. We were blessed that the repairs were not as expensive as we thought they might be. Also, we have begun the dreaded insurance claim (insert horror movie music here.) Our insurance company is going to pursue the uninsured motorist who hit us. We'll see...

In other news, Ben should be getting his XBOX back from its repairs today, and that should help him deal with stress as he waits for a letter from Southern. Laura and Maureen - Get ready for a Guitar Hero Tournament at Christmas!!

In reference to an earlier blog on the Emergent Church Movement: Ben's sister, Laura, found a very informative blog based on a recent sermon on the subject. Check out this link:

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Ben the Bouncer

This is funny. Ben and his workout parter were approached at the gym by someone who owns a "Personal Protection" business.

It gave me an idea for Christmas gifts for our church members. What do you think about t-shirts that read "My Preacher can beat up your Preacher?" Just kidding...

Monday, October 8, 2007

These Pumpkins are Awesome...

Uninsured Motorists

On Saturday evening, Ben and I were hit by an uninsured motorist while sitting still at a red light. A couple of young hooligans thought they had enough room to get past us and into the turn lane. They did not. They scraped the side of our car and took some paint with them. The damage is not too terrible, but it is bad enough to make a difference. We are not having tons of luck with cars lately.....Ben's is in the shop for some serious piston issues.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Ben's Ordination

Yay! Ben is going to be officially ordained on October 14th! We are very excited because this has been a long time in the works. Some of you may wonder, "What does it mean to be ordained?" Here is the answer I found online:

Answer: To be ordained is the public acknowledging by the church that is led by the Holy Spirit in recognizing God's call upon a candidate for the capacity of ministering the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Even though Ben has been preaching for nearly a year, he could not yet administer Communion, do marriages, funeral, baptisms, etc.

We are extra happy that Ben is going to be ordained in his family's home church, so that his family and old Sunday school students and teachers, can be there.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

New Baby at New Home Baptist Church

Our congregation at New Home Baptist Church is growing fast! Congrats to The Price Family, who welcomed their new son, William Beecher Price into the world on September 26th. William is the second birth at New Home this year. We finished painting the nursery just in time for Baby Dixie in August, and now we are happy to welcome this new member of our fellowship. Isn't he adorable?

Baby Madelyn

We have a beautiful, seven-month old cousin, and since we didn't have this blog seven months ago, here is a pic of Madelyn. She is really photogenic and isn't that smile sweet?
We have a new baby cousin! Ben's cousin, Audra, welcomed her new son, Keegan Adam Joiner, into the world 9-5-07 at 11:55 am.

He is super-cute and sweet! Congrats Joiner Family!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Keeping the Sabbath

If you know me, you know that I hate a mess. And they seem to happen all around me. How does this house get sooooo messy? There is laundry, mopping, dishes, junk mail, and the dreadful toothpaste splotches on the sink. They occupy my mind when I am gone and wake me up when I am sleeping. I am starting to wonder if something is wrong with me.
Anyway, the point of all of this is that Ben and I are working on keeping the Sabbath in a better way, and I am having a hard time with this aspect of it: Sunday afternoon was a time of napping and cleaning. It was working well. I was able to clean and do laundry on Sunday afternoon and then, begin Monday morning with a shiny, mess-free house. (Those of you who are not clean-a-holics cannot appreciate the euphoria associated with this.)
Now, however, we are focusing on putting aside worldly cares on Sunday for public and private worship time. It is taking me some work to do this, especially with my arch-enemy, the toothpaste splotchy, leering at me from the sink. I know it will be worthwhile. The Lord has commanded us to have this day of rest, refreshment, and remembrance of Him. It is for His glory and our good. Our lives are so busy, that we often do not slow down and reflect on a God so good that he commands us to rest! A renewed focus on the Sabbath may be just what our society needs. So, there dirty sink! Take that!