Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Road Crew

The city has been re-paving our road for two months! I do not understand the road crews. Granted, the street needed some maintenance - it was beginning to look more like a skateboarding ramp than a residential street, but the methods of this repair are puzzling. They have literally paved our road and then dug it up twice. I am not exaggerating. Maybe there is some benefit to this, but I cannot see it.
Each morning, I am awakened to the sound of the trucks backing up *beep*beep*beep* Since I work at home, the constant beeping and loud dump trucks are driving me nuts.
And just when they dig a nice big whole, they stick a barrel on it and disappear for five days. They block up the driveway and if you leave the house, you may not be able to get back onto your street when you return. Who knew it takes 5 dumptrucks and a steamroller to re-pave 30 yards?
I try to smile at the workermen when I see them. I know that they are just doing their jobs, but after two months my smile is strained. And all of our shoes have black gunk on the bottom of them from the tar debris that is everywhere!
I know there is nothing that can be done about this, but I just needed to vent. I won't complain again for at least a week.

1 comment:

The Tomball Three said...

You get to work from home? SO lucky!
Of course, I'm not disciplined enough. I'd be watching Oprah and reading all day long. This is why I am not allowed to work from home!