Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Something to look forward to...

Remember this?

Well, in just four weeks Ben and I are going to get to go to another great conference!
Together for the Gospel is coming to Louisville! Woo hoo! We both have tickets and I have been saving up my days... I am going to get a sub and go hear some preachin'.

Get a load of this lineup:

Session I - Ligon Duncan

Session II - Thabiti Anyabwile

Session III - John MacArthur

Session IV - Mark Dever

Session V - R.C. Sproul

Session VI - Al Mohler

Session VII - John Piper

Session VIII - C.J. Mahaney

I will be posting notes from each session.

1 comment:

In Small Spectacles said...

Lucky dog. Would love to go as we missed the Ligonier conference this year (we were in Orlando the week after and besides, we can't find anyone willing to watch all three boys). We're not pastors, but I'm sure it is worth going to since we are involved with a church plant. Actually, just sitting under those guys no matter the topic is certainly worth the effort. Looking forward to your notes...no pressure there!

BTW, thanks for your comment: Yeah, those boys are cute-even when they're getting into trouble!