Thursday, July 17, 2008

Road Trip 2008

Our trip began in Pennsylvania. Here are Ben's parents and the infamous Previa at the PA Visitor's Center.

It was a long drive to York and I read three books on the way.


Anonymous said...

Ah! Roadtrips are awesome for reading. What books did you read? I take it the Previa is still surviving? Talk to you later!

Bonnie McCoy

Ben and Christie Rogers said...

The Previa made it there and back! Ben's parents made it home Sunday evening. I should probably be embarrassed to say this, but I read the Little House books AGAIN! I love them, I can't help it!

Anonymous said...

Hello, I enjoyed seeing your pix. Brings back memories of our visits to the same places. Also enjoyed visiting with Ryan and Mary this past weekend as they shared about the trip. Sounds like "a good time was had by all." Renea Joiner