This weekend, we informed our church family of our definite plans to move in January. Although Ben was only preaching interim there, he had been asked to stay. We have come love New Home and our sweet friends there, but we feel that earning a Ph.D at Southern will be an incredible opportunity for God to use Ben. We have prayed about this and feel confident in the decision, but it will still be hard to leave the families that we have come to love so much.
Last night, we visited a local church which was hosting a Life Action Revival Team. I was not sure if this would be good, because some experiences that I have had with travelling reviva
l teams have not been positive. At times, they are hyper-emotional, or their focus is primarily fundraising and any resulting impact on the local body are temporary at best. I was really encouraged by the Life Action Team. I think that their work is educational and encouraging for the average believer. Check them out online and see if they will be near you soon. This group is also sponsoring 12 Pray, which encourages believers to pray at noon each day for a spiritual awakening and rebuilding of our churches.

This week, at Reformed Seminary in Jackson, the John Reed Miller Conference Series will take place. The featured speaker is Dr. Mark Dever, the senior pastor of Capital Hill Baptist Church in Washington and president of 9Marks. If you are in Jackson, this conference is worth taking your lunch hour for. The event takes place Nov 6-8, from 10:00 AM until 11:00 AM. Ben and I are planning to go, so I will write some info here for those of you who are not able to make it.
I'm sure you will miss those families as much as they will miss you. I will miss you too.
Kentucky is a long way off, ya'll.
It isn't that far. Ya'll will have to take some road trips!
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