According to Wikipedia:
Freeganism is an anti-consumerism lifestyle. The lifestyle involves salvaging discarded, unspoiled food from supermarket dumpsters that have passed their expiration date, but are still edible and nutritious. They salvage the food not because they are poor or homeless, but as a political statement.
They believe that they can find just about anything and everything in the trash. Soooo, they go to the trash bins at restaurants, corporations and grocery stores and pull out what they want. They not only find food, but also pet products, home furnishings, etc.
As a further sign of my obsessive cleaning, I was watching this and just hoping that they clean up the trash after they go through it.
While I certainly object to waste and hyper-materialism, I am not here yet. And, it is freaking me out. I can't stop thinking about these people digging through the trash and what else might be in there. These are pics of actual freegans digging through dumpsters:

And here is Ben posing near the trash that was all over the street in Rome. I have a feeling there are not a lot of Freegans in Italy:

There is something that is just not right about that politically as well as sanitation wise.
I don't see what the big deal is. How many people rummage through other people's garbage to find furniture? People sit and sleep on furniture! I think it is better to eat other people's garbage once than to sit on it all the time.
By the way, did I tell you about the couch Daniel found on the side of the road? He found this couch and brought it into his apartment. After about a week, the apartment became very stinky. He couldn't figure out why. Then one day they couldn't find the tv remote and dug through the couch...only to find a festering, rotting rat!
You take the couches, I'll take the food.
Ben, you have a weird sense of humor.
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