This movie came on called Shattered Hearts - I know what you are thinking - that title could represent any number of Lifetime plots. But this particular movie was about a high school couple and their families. The boy is diagnosed with cancer and he and girlfriend run away together. There is this one scene when it is Christmas and he is sitting in his little hospital bed with his little bald head and he is crying and apologizing because he had been feeling sorry for himself. The website says that this is based on a true story. I don't know about that, and wouldn't actually recommend the movie, but I am thankful that I watched it.
You see, just this morning, I opened another email about a family needing prayer. A young wife, six months pregnant is living on one failing kidney. Yesterday, we got an update on the 21 year old son of a friend. They are struggling to deal with his chemotherapy and praying for healing. And I've been complaining about crowded stores, a messy house and long drives.

So, today I am encouraging myself and you to stand in that 45 minute line at Wal-Mart and be thankful that you can stand. And when you are going nuts cleaning up after Thanksgiving this Thursday, thank God for each healthy appetite as you wash those plates. Rest and be thankful and pray for those hurting, sick, and grieving.
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