Sunday, December 7, 2008

Good News and Bad News

It has been an eventful week for us! Bad news first - the powers that be at my school have decided that they must fill an open Spanish position two weeks before finals. As I have the certification necessary, I have been elected to move departments into the position. I will no longer have a classroom, as the open position is for a floater who moves throughout the four story school. Also, I will be teaching the "comprehensive" aka behavior issue classes. This will not be pleasant.

Now for the much more pleasant good news: Ben has been asked to be a Garrett Fellow to Dr. Nettles! This is an honor for Ben and I am very proud of him. He has worked very diligently this semester and God has blessed his efforts with new friends, new knowledge of several areas, and now, the opportunity to be a Garrett Fellow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the new school situation, Christy. :( I will certainly be praying that God will grant you the grace needed for this unpleasant task. *hugs* Can't wait to see y'all over Christmas break! Also, congrats to Ben!

Love, Bonnie