Woo Hoo! I think this time of the year is lots of fun. I love to see the little kids dressed up in their costumes. In the past, we have enjoyed giving candy to the neighborhood kids. This year, Halloween falls on Wednesday, and we will be at church.

Ben has prepared a sermon in honor of Reformation Day, which is also celebrated on October 31st. It all started when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the Wittenburg Church door. The theses were published in October 1517, beginning the Church Reformation. The Reformation is the origin of today's Protestant Churches. I think it would be fun to have a combo Halloween and Reformation Day party where everyone dressed as a Reformer.

<----- Me as John Calvin!
I know that not everyone is pro-Halloween and I totally respect that, but I have really fond memories of Halloween. My Mom worked a lot of evenings, so when she got off for Halloween, it was really special. She would dress my little sister and I up in some creative costume and we would trick-or-treat. Then, my sister and I would
stay up late looking through our stash. Those memories of my sister are some of my favorite and they always make me laugh. She was a candy-fiend!
So.......I hope everyone has a Happy Halloween. If you're not a Halloween person, then maybe you can just go out and eat dinner with your family to avoid the trick-or-treaters. :)
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