Pinkeye also can be caused by allergies. These cases tend to happen more frequently among those who also have other allergic conditions, such as hay fever. Some triggers of allergic conjunctivitis include grass, ragweed pollen, animal dander, and dust mites.
Sometimes a substance in the environment can irritate the eyes and cause pinkeye; for example, chemicals (such as chlorine and soaps) and air pollutants (such as smoke and fumes).
I don't care for it. My eye is all red and yucky and I can't wear mascara. This is sort of what my eye looks like, except my eyes are brown:

UPDATE: My eye is tons better today. (Wednesday) This time has been much better than the last time I had pink eye. It took more than a week to heal. I have been getting a lot of fresh air and I really think that helps!
You have a great blog too! Thanks for commenting on mine. Sorry about your pink eye. My boss has it too!!!!
Karyn (Houston)
Hey! Sorry that you are feeling bad. I just wanted to let you know that in addition to not wearing mascara you probably should throw it away along with any other eye makeup. You probably contaminated your eye products before you ever knew that you had the "pink eye". I would hate it if you got it again. Hope you get to feeling better.
Thanks, Andrea...I was afraid of that. And I had just gotten a tube of Trish McEvoy Mascara! That is soooo my luck.
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