Let me begin by thanking God for C.J. Mahaney and for his incredible example of humility and service to others. I know that this message on Phillipians 1:3-8 was
addressed primarily to pastors, but it was very impactful for me, a pastor's wife and a Christian who, like any other, struggles with pride. As it began, he asked the question, "Is the distinctive of joy present in your life?" He challenged us to consider if our spouses or co-workers would describe us as joyful. I have to admit, that I do not think that joy has been a characteristic of mine lately. Mahaney reminded us that Paul, the most joyful of pastors, had unspeakable amounts of responsiblity, and challenged us to consider the three dominant characteristics of this man who served with such gladness.

1. Gratefulness - How powerful it was when this message reminded us that gratefulness is a response to God's saving activity on earth! Without this, we will be vulnerable to complaining, which is a serious sin. God is not indifferent to complaining, as Mahaney showed us in Numbers 11. This trait has pride as its root and reflects a lack of humility. I appreciate how simply he put it - "complaining is saying to God in heaven that you see no reason for this." This reminded me that God has ordained our small and large situations and I have been addressing the urge to complain in my own life with a new desire to cultivate gratefulness.
2. Faith for the Future - This message showed us how Paul found strength in the faithfulness of God. "Our confidence is not as strong in our comfort as Paul's was in prison." What a powerful statement! Thanks to C.J. Mahaney for reminding us that the difficulty in our lives can be found in ourselves, not in the work. It is so easy to think that we cannot do it, and we are right! He charged us to remember that our confidence is in the One who began a good work in us.
3. Affection for Others - This characteristic of Paul is not one that I had considered. The sermon showed us from scripture that affection permeated Paul's ministry, and that it was rooted in grace. As I have gone through this last week, I have been challenged by this sermon to contemplate the love of Christ for the people we serve and to remember that He obtained them with His blood.

With these points Mahaney concluded his sermon, and I was impressed by the structure and theological spine of the message. I am so thankful to have heard this sermon, and that through it the Lord has awakened a desire for humility in my life. As I pastor's wife, I realize how much work, prayer, and love goes into a sermon that you prepare for God's people. Rest assured that the Spirit has done His work with this message.
Christie, thank you for posting your letter to Mr. Mahaney. I've enjoyed reading it and pondering the 3 points that you mentioned. I especially need to work on the 3rd point "Affection for Others" as it is so easy to be self centered rather than Christ centered. The more we work on these points the more we will say with Paul..I thank my God upon every remembrance of you...
Jason Price
I am so glad that you liked it...I highly recommend downloading the messages and hearing them all!
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