As I looked over the notes that I took during Piper's message, I realized that I had been very moved by some of his lesser points. These were not the central issues of his sermon, but were still very good to hear and meditate upon. My thanks to Mr. Piper for these thought-provoking questions and ideas:
1. What creates radical Christian sacrifice?
2. Does prosperity actually influence non-believers? Remember that people can earn prosperity through other means than Christ making him just another ticket to success. When the show starts, you throw the ticket away.
3. The charge to women to become sages of the church. Many of our young women in church are without the mentors that they crave. We must take it upon ourselves to become theologically sound, educated, caring, sacrificing examples for the Christian women who will one day be in need of us.
If you asked my husband, he probably had much different thoughts about Piper's message. In his usual way, he preached a sound sermon and pointed all of us to the Supremecy of Christ, which is wonderful to think on. The thoughts above, were striking to me above and beyond this heart of the message.