Monday, July 28, 2008

Broadway and Times Square

While in NYC, we went to a Broadway show. All six of us saw Mamma Mia! on Thursday evening. It was packed...I really expected more flashy sets and costumes, but it was a pretty simple story. After the show we walked around Times Square where Ben took these pictures.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

World Trade Center

I couldn't go to NYC and not go to the World Trade Center site. My sister would have been livid! So, we visited Ground Zero and the WTC Museum. Although it is very small, I recommend the museum. Inside you watch two short videos and hear personal stories. There are also several artifacts including an airplane window, firefighters' jackets, and personal items belonging to victims. Seeing these things, as well as the wall of pictures of the victims, really made this event more real to me than ever. If you visit, be aware that you cannot actually get onto the WTC site and there is a large fence around it. Also, a visit to St. Paul's at the south end of the site is worth a stop. This is where many of the rescue workers and volunteers took shelter during the days and weeks following the events. They offer a wonderful timeline of events spanning from 9-11 through late 2002.

Natural History Museum and More...

There is a ton of walking involved in a visit to NYC. Our maps were our best friends! We enjoyed the Natural History Museum, but I actually preferred the Creation Museum. I tired quickly of the emphasis on evolution. I can't understand why I can't just look at the stuffed bison without hearing how he is my distant relative. Anyway, on the same day we toured St. John the Divine and had dinner at the "Seinfeld" restaurant. Then, Ben made us trek all the way to Grant's tomb just to get a picture that he could use to tease Jason McCoy.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Brooklyn Bridge

NYC - Liberty Day

On our first full day in NYC, we took a ferry to the Statue of Liberty. The ride over was a lot of fun and we were excited to get such great views of the statue. Ben's Dad was able to get us into the SOLD OUT museum and pedastal of Lady Liberty.

The All-Star games were in town and Ben took a picture with this miniature lady all decked-out with team emblems.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Amish Country

The visit to the Amish Country of Pennsylvania was very interesting. We learned about their roots and lifestyle and did some shopping. It wasn't until we passed Dutch Wonderland that I realized that we were near the home of my favorite TV stars - Jon and Kate plus 8. I kept my eyes peeled for sextuplets, but I never had a sighting. We did, however, see and shop with lots of really nice Amish people. This place as a tourist attraction leaves you with the strange feeling that the commercial heart of the area is in conflict with the beliefs of the Amish. They didn't seem to mind too much and we had a lot of fun.

Ben is as strong as an ox.

We had lunch at this restaurant. It was served family-style and we got to eat and talk with people from all over the country. The food was good (and plenty).

Learning the secrets of the Amish and Mennonites at the Museum and Visitor's Center. Here, we toured a full-size replica of the Biblical Tabernacle.

These Crocs made awesome travel shoes.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Road Trip 2008

Our trip began in Pennsylvania. Here are Ben's parents and the infamous Previa at the PA Visitor's Center.

It was a long drive to York and I read three books on the way.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Summer Trip 2008

Hello everyone! Right now, we are in NYC. I would have liked to upload some photos, but the WiFi in these hotels is not very reliable. I am going to try again tomorrow to put the photos on the blog.
So far, we have visited Gettysburg, Valley Forge, Philadelphia, Lancaster County (Amish Country), and New York City. We will be in NY until Saturday when we will return to Louisville.
Today we visited the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. We also walked around Manhattan and across the Brooklyn Bridge. Ben took some beautiful pictures as the sun was setting over the bridge. Hopefully, I will be able to post them soon.
My favorite parts of our trip so far have been Gettysburg and Valley Forge. There was so much historical information and impressive exhibits at these places. Tomorrow we are planning to take a slower pace (we might have overdone it today) and visit Trinity Church and the World Trade Center site.

Monday, July 7, 2008

There and Back Again

Today we made it back to Louisville after a long visit to Mississippi. It was hard to say goodbye to our friends, but it is good to be back with all of our own belongings. I am so glad to get to sleep in my own bed tonight!
Tomorrow, Ben's parents will leave Clinton and make the trip to Louisville. They will spend one night here, and then we will all leave for the Amish Country. From there, we will go to Philadelphia and New York. We will be traveling in the Previa. This van has a few miles on it, however it seems to be the best option. We have our fingers crossed and Ben's Mom has branded this vacation, "Death of a Previa." It should be an adventure and we are planning to post lots of pics.